Choosing to work with clay for its symbolic attributes of permanence and inheritance, and its profound connection with the everyday, I engage with this material at a critical distance.
I am a studio potter and educator. I split my time between my personal practice (in my studio at Erector Square) and teaching at Southern Connecticut State University and Yale University.
Yale University, College Arts Fellow - Ceramics at Yale Managing Five Campus Clay Studios (2019 - present)
Southern Connecticut State University, Adjunct Professor Ceramics - Handbuilding (2021 - present)
University of Colorado, Boulder, Visiting Professor (Fall 2018) Advanced Seminar and Wheelthrowing
The Pennsylvania State University, Instructor of Record (2016-2017) Introduction to Ceramics
The Pennsylvania State University, Teaching Assistant (2015-2016) Introduction to Sculpture
Colorado State University, Teaching Assistant (2014-2015) Advanced Ceramics
Artist-in-Residence, University of Montana, Missoula, Missoula, MT (April/May 2019)
Visiting Artist, Western New Mexico University, Silver City, NM (February 2019)
Artist-in-Residence, Haystack Mountain School of Craft, Deer Isle, ME (June 2018)
Artist-in-Residence, Konstepidemin, Gothenburg, Sweden (summer 2017)
The Pennsylvania State University, MFA, Ceramics. University Park, PA (2017)
Colorado State University, Post Baccalaureate Program, Ceramics. Fort Collins, CO (2015)
University of Chicago, BA, concentration in Visual Arts. Chicago, IL (2007)