(How to Entice Edward Larrabee Barnes)
I really liked how Jack Larsen described the Deer Isle landscape in 1958 to the future architect of Haystack Mountain School of Craft, Edward Larrabee Barnes. I feel a lot of fondness for Barnes, having worked in a few of his buildings in Chicago and New York at formative times in my life.
I strung up some of the descriptive text from Jack Larson’s letter on site at the Haystack campus; focusing on the landscape while being surrounded by Barnes’ intimate and affecting vision for an artistic community. This was during a glorious two-week open studio residency.

“a Japanese type of hemlock and spruce,”
fragment of text from Jack Larson describing the Haystack grounds to Edward Larrabee Barnes

"spectacular shore frontage"

"dominated by enormous whale-back's of stonington granite"

1958 letter from Jack Larson to Edward Larrabee Barnes

Early drawing by Edward Larrabee Barnes from the collection of his work at the Harvard Loeb Design Library.